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My Latest Cover Letter (Part 3)

I have some additional thoughts on the subject of My Latest Cover Letter.

While initially inspired, I probably will not apply for the Research Analyst job as posted. I really want to advance my own agenda, which I believe can benefit a [hedge] fund as well. I am willing to be trained to do said job if the fund is willing to explore my approach for possible inclusion at a later date.

I suppose I am therefore looking for a hybrid position: be trained as a research analyst, gain further education, do further development of my own strategy, and implement that into something investible for a fund.

Doubt seeps in when I start to wonder why they would hire me for all this. They would have to be sold on what I have to offer; doesn’t this circle me back to authenticating myself with a track record, which I don’t have (see third-to-last paragraph here)? Maybe they could set me up with a monitored paper account and let me do my thing for a while.

What I really want is for someone to see what I have done with regard to research, to my remaining projects, to my overall analytical/trading approach, and then to hire me for it. Hire me for my experience and provide me with additional tools and more advanced expertise needed to get the rest done. Make me a consultant of sorts.

I feel I could work as a junior financial analyst because I do exactly that. I apply analysis to strategy development and to all of my blog topics. Give me support to get the CFA charter and/or Series 3 license. In working for you, I hope to sharpen my analytical skills with respect to statistics, programming, performance computation, and risk metrics. I look forward to teaming with competent people to realize synergy in our thinking and our experience.

I would ultimately like the opportunity to trade with discretion (automated option trading is challenging because contingent orders are not as reliable as alerts/mental stops coupled with manual order entry). I have been successful as a retail trader for the last 12+ years. Give me a small account with additional capital to follow if you like what you see.

In terms of compensation, I am not expecting a huge Wall Street payday. I would like a decent, respectable salary that makes it worth my while to come into an office. I would also like the freedom to work occasionally from home if my remote productivity is acceptable. Decent health insurance would be a bonus.

Managing my own account averages less than 30 minutes per day, and I want the freedom to do this since I anticipate personal trading to continue as my primary source of income.

I will conclude next time.

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